Sweet Cheeks Christmas (Palomar) Party!

Deck the halls with boughs of Kubaneh!

It can be tricky sometimes, finding a place to dine when you’re with a fellow food and wine enthusiast…

…particularly during a season when all the great (or even very average) London restaurants are booked so far in advance that you’re usually left with egg on your face! Luckily, this wasn’t the case for @ania__sm (a.k.a the ‘sweet’ to my ‘cheeks’) and I this month.

We celebrated in truly delicious style at The Palomar, a mutually loved Soho favourite, and particularly smugly since I was one of the first to review it for @itsrudetostare way back in 2014.

Totally delicious food as always, wonderful service as always, and a club-like energy that I’ve always loved - the only egg was actually in our faces, in the form of ‘David’s Hummus’ - I didn’t ask David how he made it, but needless to say, he knows his way around a chickpea.

Sassy post for a sassy spot - Merry Christmas ya’ll.



Goodbye Brighton (for now)


I had my birthday in the Cornerstone